1. Dress for It

Choose cotton or linen clothing, as these fabrics breathe and allow air flow to your skin. Synthetic fibers trap moisture and can make you warmer. Another option – bamboo! This up-and-coming eco-friendly fabric is soft and breathes as well! Footwear is another thing to be mindful of. Choose something that breathes, like sandals or mesh-covered running shoes.

  1. Hydrate and eat cooling food

With water! Sugary drinks, alcoholic beverages, coffee and other caffeinated drinks will dehydrate you. Drink water and lots of it to ensure that the water lost through sweat is replenished. It will also keep you cool.
Fruits and veggies, especially ones that are higher in water content are exactly what your body needs on those warm days. Think cucumber and cooling watermelon. Avoid meats and protein-heavy foods, as they increase metabolic heat production.

Some cultures swear by eating certain foods to keep cool. Chinese medicine categorizes food into heating and cooling foods. Here are some of the cooling foods:

Lemons, apple, watermelon, cantaloupe, papaya, pineapple, musk-melon, mung beans (in soup), summer squash, zucchini, cucumber, radish juice, bitter melon soup, watermelon juice

Another tip to eating cool – have smaller meals more often.

  1. Stay breezy

Knowing some simple science about how heat works can really help keep both you and your home cool during the heatwave. Stay lower to the ground, this is because heat rises and the top floors of your house will be hotter than the lower floors. If you use a ceiling fan (visit company website to have one installed if you don’t) this can help move hot air upwards more quickly and mitigate the heat of hot rooms. Similarly, use fans to direct cool air in, and hot air out of your home.

Keep blinds and window coverings closed during the day as sunlight coming through windows is one of the main ways homes heat up in summer. Why not try denver shutters companies as they do custom wooden shutters which are designed to be especially shady and cool.

Have a cold shower, you can even use wet washcloths or blankets to keep cool if you put them in the fridge. Just take care in regards to air moisture as this tip can increase the humidity in your home. The higher the humidity the less able you are to keep cool from sweating, so you’ll be drenched in it, gross!

  1. Condition that air

The best way to keep your house cool is air conditioning, so why not use a company like Sirius Plumbing and Air Conditioning for air conditioning installation so you can have cool air while you sit inside.

However, if you already have an air conditioner installed in your house, it would be a good idea to get it inspected at regular intervals for any signs of malfunction. Additionally, it would be prudent for you to call for professionals who can tune up your cooling device and take the necessary steps to ensure its proper functioning. For that, however, you can contact experts who are available at firms like Premier HVAC Services (if you are interested, you can click here https://premierhvacservicesllc.com/air-conditioning-services/ac-tune-up/ to know more about their work).

  1. Time your sun

Schedule outdoor activities early in the morning or later in the evening and try to avoid going out in between. Absolutely try to avoid doing hard work or exercise in the middle of the day, this is when the sun is at its strongest and will roast you without a doubt. If you have to go outside, try to get in the shade as much as possible. Hats help cast shade and keep you cool too!

Hopefully with these tips, you’ll do what’s best to stay cool indoors and out.